The Adventures of a Birth Photographer
The Adventures of a Birth Photographer
For Jasper, Your Birth Story!
Welcome to episode 18 of the podcast and this one is another personal one. My youngest son Jasper turned fourteen this week and I thought this would be the perfect time to record your birth story!
I talk about choosing to birth him at home, how quick it was and how lovely it was to be at home. I also touch on a super popular tv series that was on at the time my contractions began!
You can listen to Oskars birth story, episode 10 by clicking here: https://podcasts.apple.com/is/podcast/ep10-for-oskar-your-birth-story/id1532932905?i=1000523127464
What TV show was HEROES? Find Out Here: https://www.imdb.com/video/vi176667929?playlistId=tt0813715&ref_=vp_rv_0
Finally, I did nothing with my placenta which is a big regret, here are 16 remarkable things you can do with yours: https://lcrazebirthphotography.co.uk/16-remarkable-things-you-can-do-with-your-placenta/